Events of all sorts, especially international sport events, help to put the destination on the map whilst also contributing to spike in foreign visitors, tourists’ spent and other economic investment. However it is no secret that this comes at a cost to the environmental and social aspect of the hosting country, often then not, generating significant waste.

.During this training, delivered by a certified engineer and ISO consultant & process designer, an Event Sustainability Manual was designed in order to reduce the pressure on the environment and local infrastructure, whilst minimising a potential conflit with the hosting society. In order for Madletiks Ltd, to be ahead of the curve, an intensive training session was organised collectively for all the staff, to study all the external and internal impacts of our industry on our society
Following this focused training, Madletiks Ltd, applied for the ISO certification in sustainable event, by which, after an scrutiny delivered by a foreign auditor, the company was awarded the ISO20121 certification, thus becoming the first company in Malta acquiring such prestigious certification.
Click here to read more about our Sustainable Policy.